Saturday, February 14, 2009

Busy Night

Snippets from last night...

I was in Ireland, looking through a window at a wide, green landscape. I kept thinking to myself "It's so weird how landscapes in Ireland are sort of blurry...the lines aren't clear, and everything is sort of fuzzed together." It was like one of those pictures that's made of yarn or something. I then took a step back and realized I was looking through a textured window, like one you'd have in the bathroom.

I looked to my right and saw mountains, but one looked like it had a chunk cut out of its side. In real life, it would have fallen over, but it stood just fine.

My cousin Elizabeth and I were walking down a dirt path, surrounded by trees and mountains, and she was asking me why I didn't ever talk about that thing that happened on the 6th grade field trip to Wisconsin. I thought for a moment, and realized she was talking about when I was standing either on a balcony or next to an open window and my teacher, Miss Parsons, pushed me out. As I thought about it, I wondered if it had really happened. Did I fall in the bushes? I don't know...

I couldn't find my car.

I saw Adam at the Crystal and kept telling him I had to leave. I couldn't stop thinking about his feet because of this (grossness ahead, be warned).

I'm researching whether antibiotics affect your far, nothing...

1 comment:

SophisticatedBrew said...

The images sound beautiful. Except for the feet.