Wednesday, February 18, 2009

First Ever Facebook Anxiety Dream

I think that it was because of the news report that facebook own all of our facebook postings/pictures/everything...
This dream involves a real person that I am facebook friends with. I have met her a couple of times at some parties and we have commented to each other back and forth a bit.

So in my dream I had a crush on this girl so I decided to make a facebook album with 2 pictures of her in it. I called the album "Sigh." My dream was very explicit with me pulling down menus and seeing the choices for arranging photos. I also wrote on her wall that I had a crush on her.

Then it dawned on me. She could read my post and see the photos! I freaked out and tried to delete the album, and the wall posting. I was unable to find the right page with "delete album" and I was searching around for it. I was like...every second that I have this up is a second she could see it! So then I was trying to think of an excuse for why I made the album. The best I came up with was that "sometimes she takes care of our cats".


SophisticatedBrew said...

oh MAN. it sounds like you might have a little crush-ola? That is a anxious dream...The internet can leave us vulnerable. "Oh whoops I just proclaimed my love for someone I barely know and put up photos of her and let her know I love her...By accident!" Whoopsie!

Reem Tara said...

I HATE internet dreams. I always feel like "whoops, I spend way too much time on the interwebs."

kittymodern said...

yeah i close my eyes and all i se is FACEBOOK!